Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Concord最新项目: 多市中心高科技智能Central Condo

著名开发商Concord市中心高科技大厦项目: Central Condos


著名的社区开发商Concord最新项目Central Condos 即将开盘,
位于寸土寸金的市中心38 Widmer St, 占据市中心时尚剧院娱乐
区的最中心位置. 近年来市政府已经决定陆续改造楼盘所在区域,
楼,对社区未来整体改观奠定了基础. 伴随着Google、Amazon等
市中心, 创业和创新基础设施完善,在Facebook、Google、Uber、
技产业发展速度,必定势不可挡。 配合着这个大形势,为了融合
更多高科技人才的生活模式和需求,Concord 在多伦多市中心的
该区紧邻多伦多金融中心,5分钟步行至St. Andrews地铁站,8分钟至唐人街,国际会议中心、CN Towner、Rogers Centre、City Hall、Eaton Centre及湖滨均在几分钟的步行范围内,其优越位置,是时尚生活的最佳选择。该地区生活便利,购物、电影院、餐厅琳琅满目,让人目不暇接, 是白领和青年人向往之处地。由于楼盘位于市中心核心繁荣区域,公寓周围商业高度发达,商场,超市,公园,饭店,画廊,医院等设施一应俱全,并且离Bay街金融区也只有几站车程,不论是上学,上班,购物或是用餐都只需举步便可实现。公寓周遭遍布TTC公共交通环绕,无论前往哪里都十分方便。
【楼盘名称】Central Condos
【 开 发 商 】Concord Adex
【 总 层 高 】41层
【 总 户 数 】426户
【 位  置 】38 Widmer St., Toronto (Adelaide St 和 Spadina Ave)

高科技新时代智能生活为理念,Wifi将覆盖整个大楼. 停车位全部配套安装电动车高速EV充电设备,手机APP替代FOB智能进入大楼,高科技商业会客联谊场所.


***拥有完美的100/100 Walk Score,另外100/100的Transit Score
***Central Condos 处于金融区、商业区和娱乐区黄金地段,人流畅旺,各种酒吧,中西超市、餐馆林立,住户可拥有便利的购物和就餐环境,享受多姿多彩的都市生活。而每年引人注目的多伦多国际电影节(tiff)举办中心就近在咫尺. 公交网络密集,门口就是公车站,24小时公交车.
  • 5分钟步行至St. Andrews地铁站,近Union地铁、汽车总站
  • 5分钟步行至多伦多地标建筑Roy Thompson Hall及国际电影TIFF大厦
  • 步行8分钟可至CN 电视塔、Rogers中心
  • 近Gardiner高速
  • 近OCAD大学、多伦多大学、怀雅迅大学、George Brown学院
  • 近大型购物中心Eaton Centre
  • 紧邻金融区,近中国城、市政厅
  • 近湖滨公园


Concord Adex是加国最具规模开发商之一协平世博集团 (Concord Pacific) 的集团成员。稳占加拿大地产市场领导地位的协平世博集团,已有超过20年历史。它打造的每个社区的每一个环节,皆悉心策划;每一项细节,均精心设计,就是如此无微不至,从选择最有潜力的地段,到兴建最完善的配套,到拓宽每户住宅的景观、协调每座建筑的风格、精选每种建材和用料,以至设计区内街道的一草一木、一砖一瓦,都一丝不苟,力臻完美。

举步可至多伦多金融中心和五大银行总部大楼, 周围有多伦多
大学、OCAD, 瑞尔森(Ryerson)大学. 是许多学生和附近上班的
投资回报!著名开发商, 好的地点,自住方便,出租又不愁租客,


Sunday, July 15, 2012

How Can She Survive?

My friend who is a single. She is an immigrant who has no relatives in Toronto. She deposits her income into one of the major bank. She knew that this money could support her in the rest of the year. One day, she suddenly found that she had no money at all in her bank. She finally realized that the bank took all her money pay her credit card, plus the overdraft fees of the bank charge because of the money took by the bank. She had no money in her account and she had to pay the bank more money. Can we trust bank now? She had no choice but close her account.

 This year, she had the same experience in another bank. The bank withdrew $2000 from her account without any notice. My friend tried to manage to survive in the rest of this year. She tried to withdraw cash when she deposited her pay check. The bank didn't allow her to withdraw cash.

 I know the bank worries about bankruptcy like US bank. But, to the person like my friend who has clinical depression, isn't this fair to her? I hope that Canadian bank should not do this, otherwise, who can trust the bank. At the same time, I hope all the friends learn the lesson like my friend. Don't deposit any money to the bank because the bank is not trustworthy any more.

Friday, October 7, 2011

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Value of PR

Coldwell Banker Canada's comprehensive Public Relations plan builds brand awareness as it showcases the quality of our national network. As Coldwell Banker sales professionals, you enjoy the credibility and high profile that only PR can deliver. How does this benefit you? Simple! Nothing wins consumer approval – and future customers -- like the power of an unbiased endorsement in major news media.
Our national PR program has been a major success in building the Coldwell Banker brand across Canada , and growing our reputation as a leading authority in the real estate industry. We've raised our profile with coverage in such prestigious vehicles as all the national Television networks, prominent news websites, Maclean's Magazine and most recently, Canadian Business Magazine.
That's further evidence of Coldwell Banker Canada's credibility as a media source and as a real estate industry authority. More than ever before, the Coldwell Banker name is becoming top of mind when Canadian homebuyers and sellers think real estate. We've mounted initiatives that delivered a total audience well into the millions with over 20 million total audience impressions .
The “book” value of the TV, radio, magazine and newspaper coverage we've received far outweighs the relatively small cost of PR. Over the course of past years, the value of Coldwell Banker Canada's national PR is well above the half- million dollar mark. And that total of several hundred thousands of dollars worth of exposure was achieved for a cost that represents less than a tenth of that amount. Think about that – ten dollars in exposure for less than one dollar invested. Where else can you achieve value even approaching that figure? That's tremendous value for your investment, once again proving that – dollar for dollar – good PR is the most cost-efficient Marketing tactic available to you.
More importantly, the credibility delivered by exposure in national and local news media is something that paid advertising simply cannot equal. We can tell the consumer countless times that we're a reliable, trustworthy company to deal with, but as the old saying goes, “I read it in the newspaper, so it must be true.” No commercial advertising can match the power of seeing your company name featured on your nightly newscast or appearing in a respected national news magazine. That's the kind of credibility that money simply can't buy.
With over 20 million messages delivered to Canadians viewers, readers and listeners through PR initiatives, we've made great strides in building top of mind awareness for you and our Coldwell Banker brand.

The inside and out of chimney care

One of the more attractive features of any home is its fireplace. Warm and inviting, fireplaces can add ambience, light, as well as heat. But what keeps your fireplace blazing away smoothly is one aspect of home care that often gets neglected – the cleaning and maintenance of the chimney.
Simply put, a chimney is a structure which surrounds and supports an internal flue. Its purpose is to vent all the smoke, ash, and harmful gases away from your home that are produced when a fire is burning in your wood stove or fireplace. A chimney and the flue within it is a structure built to protect you. The products of combustion contain hazardous gases, including carbon monoxide – a colourless, odorless, tasteless gas that can cause serious illness or death if present in sufficient amounts. It's responsible for hundreds of deaths and countless illnesses every year in homes across North America . Due to this fact, it is important to ensure that your home's chimney is working properly. A quick and simple starting point would be to install a carbon monoxide detector, so you have an early warning to monitor your chimney's functioning if something goes wrong.
The main source of chimney problems in homes today is inadequate venting. What causes venting problems? Usually, it's a blockage of the flue. This may be caused by a buildup of ash (creosote), or from debris falling into the chimney due to deterioration of the masonry on top (mortar crown). Blockages are also often caused by animals such as squirrels or raccoons, or by birds building a nest. Always open the flue and look up your chimney before lighting a fire. It's a good idea to keep a flashlight handy in your wood box to assist you in this purpose.
The telltale sign that a stone or brick chimney is venting inadequately are indications of efflorescence on the exterior. Efflorescence occurs when hot water vapour (believe it or not - a byproduct of combustion) from your furnace, hot water heater, and fireplace that should vent out your chimney gets trapped inside by a blockage. The vapour then begins to vent out through the flue liner into the bricks and mortar of the chimney's exterior. Efflorescence will deposit a whitish residue infused in your chimney's brickwork, obvious to anyone who may be viewing the home that repairs are immediately necessary. If you're a prospective homebuyer, it's an easy thing to watch out for. If you're a seller, or just a homeowner, it's something you should fix immediately for safety reasons.
Avoiding blockages is simple. Creosote will build up with use, so have your chimney professionally cleaned regularly. The frequency will depend on how much you use it. Also, when any work is being done on your home's roof, have the mortar crown on the top of your chimney, as well as the chimney's liner, inspected for leaks, and ensure that the chimney cap is firmly in place.For more ideas on home care or showing off your home to its best advantage, contact your local Coldwell Banker real estate professional.